Born 1933 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jens-Flemming Sørensens sculptures are composed of organic and geometric forms, created from materials such as granite, bronze or marble. In many of his works body-parts, spheres or obelisks are trying to break out from the inside of the massive forms, or maybe they are hold back. The dynamic and enigmatic aura of the sculptures gives the impression that they are constantly changing, a recurring element in the installations where fragmented parts are scattered around the room.

Jens-Flemming Sørensen has done several public commissions among others in Hellerup, Copenhagen Tuborg Nord, Wrist Group (Aalborg) and Globen also in Aalborg.

Is represented in the following collections:
Göteborgs Art Museum, Sweden; Esbjerg Art Museum, Denmark; The Collection of Kastrupgaard, Denmark; Nord Jyllands Art Museum, Denmark; Vejle Art Museum, Denmark; Skive Art Museum, Denmark; Århus Art Museum, Denmark; Randers Art Museum, Denmark; Kolding Art Museum, Denmark; Museo dei Bozzetti, Pietrasanta, Italy; Museum Bealden Aan Zee, Scheveningen, Netherlands

The artist's homepage